Creating an Edge Pipeline

Last updated on Feb 03, 2025

Edge Pipeline is currently available under Early Access. You can request access to evaluate and test its features.

You can create a Pipeline in Hevo to synchronize data from your Source with a Destination. To get started with creating a Pipeline, you need:

  • An active Hevo account. You can start with a 14-day full feature, free trial account.

  • Access to the Source system (integration) where your data resides.

  • Access to a Destination system in which the Source data is replicated.

Perform the following steps to create an Edge Pipeline:

  1. Log in to your Hevo account. By default, PIPELINES is selected in the Navigation Bar.

  2. (Optional) In the User Information bar at the top of the page, select the region in which you want to create your Edge Pipeline, if this is different from the default region of your workspace.

    Select Pipeline Region

  3. On the Pipelines page, click + CREATE PIPELINE, and then do the following:

    1. Set up your Source from which you want to ingest data.

    2. Configure your Destination into which you want to replicate your Source data.

    3. Provide the Pipeline-specific settings.

    4. Select the Source objects from which you want to ingest data.

Once you have created your Edge Pipeline, you are automatically redirected to the Job History tab, which displays the jobs running in your Pipeline. You can click on a job to view its details.

Set up the Source

Perform the following steps to set up your Source in the Edge Pipeline:

  1. On the Select Source Type page, under All Sources, click Edge, and then select your Source. Here, we are selecting Amazon RDS PostgreSQL.

    Select Edge Sources

  2. In the Amazon RDS PostgreSQL screen, specify the following:

    Configure Source

    • Source Name: A unique name for your Source, not exceeding 255 characters. For example, Amazon RDS PostgreSQL 2.

    • In the Connect to your PostgreSQL section:

      Note: In Edge Pipelines, Hevo replicates data using the database logs.

      • Database Host: The PostgreSQL host’s IP address or DNS. For example, or

        Note: For URL-based hostnames, exclude the http:// or https:// part. For example, if the hostname URL is, enter

      • Database Port: The port on which your PostgreSQL server listens for connections. Default value: 5432.

      • Database User: The user who has permission only to read tables in your database. For example, hevouser.

      • Database Password: The password of your database user.

      • Database Name: The database from where you want to replicate data. For example, dvdrental.

      • Publication Key: The name of the publication in your PostgreSQL Source database added to track the changes in your database tables. Read publications to understand them and learn how to create them.

    • Log Monitoring: Enable this option if you want Hevo to disable your Pipeline when the size of the WAL being monitored reaches the set maximum value. Specify the following:

      • Max WAL Size (in GB): The maximum allowable size of the Write-Ahead Logs that you want Hevo to monitor. Specify a number greater than 1.

      • Alert Threshold (%): The percentage limit for the WAL, whose size Hevo is monitoring. An alert is sent when this threshold is reached. Specify a value between 50 to 80. For example, if you set the Alert Threshold to 80, Hevo sends a notification when the WAL size is at 80% of the Max WAL Size specified above.

      • Send Email: Enable this option to send an email when the WAL size has reached the specified Alert Threshold percentage.

        If this option is turned off, Hevo does not send an email alert.

    • Additional Settings

      • Split table partition: Enable this option to create the partitions of Source tables as individual objects at the Destination. Read Handling Source Partitioned Tables for information on how this option determines Hevo’s behavior for the specified publication key.

      • Connect through SSH: Enable this option to connect to Hevo using an SSH tunnel instead of directly connecting your PostgreSQL database host to Hevo. This provides an additional level of security to your database by not exposing your PostgreSQL setup to the public.

        If this option is turned off, you must configure your Source to accept connections from Hevo’s IP addresses. Refer to the content of your PostgreSQL variant for steps to do this.

      • Use SSL: Enable this option to use an SSL-encrypted connection. Specify the following:

        • CA File: The file containing the SSL server certificate authority (CA).

        • Client Certificate: The client’s public key certificate file.

        • Client Key: The client’s private key file.

  3. Click TEST & CONTINUE to test the connection to your PostgreSQL Source. Once the test is successful, you can set up your Destination.

Select and Configure your Destination

You must configure your Destination after you have set up the Source. To do this:

  1. On the Create Pipeline page, in the Selection screen under Destination Configuration, do one of the following:

    Select Destination

    • Click Select Existing Destination, and then from the list of displayed Destinations, click the Destination that you want to use.

    • Click Create New Destination to configure a new Destination, and then follow these steps:

      Note: You must select Create New Destination if you are creating your first Edge Pipeline or have not created any Edge Destinations.

      1. Select your Destination type. Here, we are selecting Snowflake.

      2. In the Snowflake screen, specify the following:

        Configure Destination

        • Destination Name: A unique name for your Destination, not exceeding 255 characters. For example, Snowflake Destination.

        • In the Connect to your Snowflake section:

          • Account URL: The URL for connecting to the Snowflake data warehouse. For example,

          • Warehouse: The name of the Snowflake warehouse where Hevo will run the SQL queries and perform DML operations for data replication. For example, SNOWFLAKE20.

          • Database Name: The name of the database in the Destination warehouse where the data is to be loaded. For example, HEVO_20.

          • Database Schema: The name of the schema in the Destination database where the Destination tables are created. For example, HDOCS.

          Note: All the field values are case-sensitive.

          • In the Authentication section, select an Authentication type from the drop-down menu. Here, we have chosen Key Pair.

            • Key Pair: Connect to your Snowflake warehouse using a public and private key pair.

              • Database User: A user with a non-administrative role created in the Snowflake. This user must be the one to whom you have assigned the public key associated with your private key.

              • Private Key: A cryptographic password used along with a public key to generate digital signatures. Click the attach () icon to upload your private key file.

              • Passphrase: The password given while generating the encrypted private key. Leave this field blank if you have attached a non-encrypted private key.

          • Advanced Settings:

            • Always quote table names or entity names: Enable this option to preserve the case of your Source table and column names in the Snowflake Destination.
  2. Click TEST & CONTINUE to test the connection to your Snowflake Destination. Once the test is successful, you can provide your Pipeline-specific settings.

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