Release Version 2.32
On This Page
The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. As a result, some of your bookmarks may become obsolete. Therefore, we recommend accessing the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.
This release note also includes the fixes provided in all the minor releases since 2.30.
To know the complete list of features available for early adoption before these are made generally available to all customers, read our Early Access page.
In this Release
New and Changed Features
Hevo API
Support for Resetting Models Using Hevo API
Hevo now supports resetting Models using its API. This feature enables you to clear all the existing data in the output table whenever changes occur in the Source. This is helpful for addressing issues such as incorrect queries in Incremental Models, ensuring that your Models remain accurate and up-to-date.
To learn more about the Reset Model endpoint, read Hevo API Docs.
Migration to v21.0 of the Facebook Marketing API (Added in Release 2.31.2)
Effective Release 2.31.2, the Facebook Ads, Facebook Pages, and Instagram Business integrations use v21.0 of the Marketing API to fetch your data. Pipelines created with Facebook Ads, Facebook Pages, or Instagram Business do not require any action from the user.
For Instagram Business, the new API version has removed the following metrics:
Objects Metrics video_insights_lifetime_v2 - video_views user_insights_rolling_day - email_contacts
- get_directions_clicks
- profile_views
- text_message_clicks
- website_clicks
- phone_call_clicksFor Facebook Pages, the new API version has removed the following:
All metrics associated with these objects:
Objects Metrics Page Call Phone Clicks - page_call_phone_clicks_logged_in_unique Page Consumption - page_consumptions_by_consumption_type
- page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique
- page_consumptions_uniquePage Feedback - page_negative_feedback
- page_negative_feedback_by_type
- page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique
- page_negative_feedback_uniquePage Get Direction Clicks - page_get_directions_clicks_logged_in_unique Page Places Check In - page_places_checkin_total
- page_places_checkin_total_uniquePage Tab Views - page_tab_views_login_top
- page_tab_views_login_top_unique
- page_tab_views_logout_topPage Website Clicks - page_website_clicks_logged_in_unique -
Specific metrics associated with these objects:
Objects Metrics Page CTA Clicks - page_cta_clicks_logged_in_total
- page_cta_clicks_logged_in_uniquePage Fans - page_fans_online
- page_fans_online_per_dayPage Impressions - page_impressions_organic_unique_v2
- page_impressions_by_country_unique
- page_impressions_by_city_unique
- page_impressions_by_locale_unique
- page_impressions_organic_v2
- page_impressions_by_story_type_unique
- page_impressions_by_story_type
- page_impressions_viral_frequency_distribution
- page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique
Note: Hevo no longer supports ingesting data for the metrics listed in the tables above, so the corresponding Destination columns are also not updated.
This change applies to all new and existing Pipelines created with Facebook Ads, Facebook Pages, or Instagram Business as the Source.
Support for Fetching Data using UpdatedAt Filter for the Marketo Leads Object (Added in Release 2.31.2)
Added support for using the
timestamp in refresher tasks for the Leads object in Marketo Source. This enhancement ensures that updates to older leads, created more than 3 months ago, are accurately synced to the Destination. Additionally, it addresses data mismatches due to previous dependency on thecreatedAt
filter is available only for Marketo accounts that support querying with this field. For unsupported accounts, Hevo still depends oncreatedAt
filter. To enable data fetching using theupdatedAt
timestamp, contact Hevo Support.
Support for Usage Record Summary object in Stripe (Added in Release 2.31.1)
- Hevo now supports ingesting data from the Usage Record Summary object. This enables capturing total usage details for a subscription item during a billing period, ensuring accurate usage data is available in the Destination.
Fixes and Improvements
Handling Incorrect Historical Data in SQL Server Pipelines
Fixed an issue in SQL Server Pipelines with Unique Incrementing Append Only mode where data was missed during the historical load in some cases. This issue occurred because the columns in the SQL Server Source and the query used by Hevo for data ingestion were using different collations. Collation defines the rules for sorting and comparing data in SQL Server. With this fix, Hevo now ensures that the query uses the same collation for data ingestion as the SQL Server Source columns, ensuring that historical data is ingested correctly. To enable this fix for your new and existing Pipelines, contact Hevo Support.
Note: For existing Pipelines, if you observe data missing in your Destination, you must enable the fix and then restart the historical load to ensure all missing data is ingested.
Handling Data Ingestion for Skipped Objects in Google Analytics 4 (Fixed in Release 2.31.1)
- Fixed an issue where data from skipped objects was inadvertently being ingested during incremental loads. Since objects were processed in batches of five, skipping an object did not exclude its data from being ingested because the batch also contained other active objects. As a result, the entire batch, including the skipped objects, was ingested. This resulted in unnecessary consumption of Event quota and increased costs. With this fix, the system now excludes skipped objects from the batch before ingestion, ensuring only active objects are processed. The fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines.
Handling Data Mismatch Issues in Shopify
Fixed an issue where the API call to fetch the Inventory Location object returned only 50 records, even when additional records were present. Since pagination was not available in the API call, by default, only 50 records could be retrieved per page. With this fix, pagination has been added. When there are more than 50 records, the system uses the link provided for the next page in the API response to fetch subsequent records until all records are retrieved.
Fixed an issue where Hevo set the id field as a primary key for the Fulfillment Lines object after ingesting the Events. As the id field values were not unique across all records, one data record was overwritten by another, resulting in incorrect data being loaded into the Destination. With this fix, Hevo now sets an additional field, fulfillment_id, along with the id field as the primary key to uniquely identify each data record. This ensures that all data is correctly loaded into the Destination. The fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines.
Note: If you observe a data mismatch for the Fulfillment Lines object in your existing Pipelines, you must restart the object.
Fixed an issue where Hevo was unable to uniquely identify records for the Abandoned Checkout Line Items object. This issue occurred because Hevo set the abandoned_checkout_id field as the primary key for the object after ingesting the Events. However, as the abandoned_checkout_id field values were not unique across all records, one record was overwritten by another, resulting in incorrect data being loaded into the Destination.
To fix this, Hevo generates an additional index field to assign a unique id to each record with the same abandoned_checkout_id value. Now, both fields act together as the primary key, ensuring all records are uniquely identified and correctly loaded into the Destination.
The fix applies to Pipelines created with Shopify as a Source after Release 2.31.2. If you observe a data mismatch for the Abandoned Checkout Line Items object in your existing Pipelines, contact Hevo Support.
Handling Data Mismatch Issues in Stripe Source
Fixed an issue where the price_id field was not included while parsing the API response for the Subscription Item object, resulting in incomplete data being fetched. With this fix, Hevo now includes the field during parsing, ensuring that all data from the object is fetched. The fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines.
Note: You must restart the object in your existing Pipelines to include the price_id field and ensure all historical records are correctly loaded into the Destination. This may lead to higher Events quota consumption.
Fixed an issue where data ingestion for the Events object occasionally failed with error: Intermittent error while fetching data from Stripe for EVENTS object. The task will be retried in some time. This issue occurred due to an API version mismatch between the user’s Stripe account and the version used by Hevo. With this fix, Hevo now makes an additional API call when such failures occur. When Hevo encounters this error, it automatically re-fetches the Events object to ensure data consistency.
Handling Empty Reports in YouTube Analytics Source (Fixed in Release 2.31.3)
- Fixed an issue where data retrieval stopped when the API returned an empty report in CSV format for some objects. This issue occurred because the parser processing these reports expected at least one data record in the file. The parser has been updated to handle empty CSV files, allowing data processing to continue without interruption.
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 2.32: