Familiarizing with the Pipelines UI

Last updated on Sep 25, 2024

Edge Pipeline is currently available under Early Access. You can request access to evaluate and test its features.

When you click Pipelines in the Navigation Bar, the Pipelines List View is displayed. On this page, you can view the list of Pipelines created by you or your team, filter the results using data controls, and click on any Pipeline to open it in the Detailed View.

The following sections highlight the main elements of the Pipeline List View and the Detailed View:

Pipelines List View

Refer to the image and descriptions below to familiarize yourself with the components of the Pipelines List View.

Pipelines List View

The following table describes each of these components:

Page Component Title Description
1 Search Bar Enables you to search for Pipelines using the:
- Partial or complete name of the Pipeline.
- Source or Destination name or type the Pipeline is created for.
- Serial number of the Pipeline.
2 Data Controls Enables you to control the data that is displayed. The Data Controls, from left to right are:
- Filters: List the Pipelines based on their status, or the name of the Destination to which data is being loaded.
- Newest First: Sort and display the Pipelines list based on the criterion selected from the drop-down. By default, the newest Pipelines are displayed first.
- Refresh: Allows you to view the newly created Pipelines that are not visible in the UI yet.
3 + CREATE EDGE PIPELINE Button Enables you to create an Edge Pipeline.
4 Asset List Displays the list of Pipelines created by you or your team. This list can be refined based on the Data Controls or the search string.
5 Pipeline Summary Provides a brief summary of an existing Pipeline. This includes:
- Pipeline ID: The sequential serial number assigned to the Pipeline at the time of creation.
- Pipeline Name: The name of the Pipeline.
- Source Name: The Source from where the data is being fetched.
- Destination Name: The Destination where data is being loaded.
- Sync Frequency: The frequency at which your Pipeline ingests and loads data to a Destination.
- Status: The status of the Pipeline.

Pipelines Detailed View

Click anywhere in a Pipeline Summary row to open the Pipeline in the Detailed View. The following image highlights the main components that are displayed and the actions you can perform on the page.

Pipelines Detailed View

The following table describes each of these components:

Page Component Title Description
1 Pipeline Header Displays:
- The serial number assigned to the Pipeline at the time of creation.
- The Pipeline, Source, and Destination names, along with the Source and Destination logos.
2 Tool Bar Provides links to the following tabs:
- Job History: Displays the list of Jobs created and processed for the Pipeline.
- Pipeline Setup: Displays the details of the Pipeline, Source, and Destination configurations that you specified during Pipeline setup.
- Object Config: Displays the list of object(s) that are available in your Source database.
3 Pipeline Actions Displays the list of actions that you can take on the Pipeline.
- Click the Edit button to edit your Pipeline configurations.
- Click the kebab menu (more) to view the following option(s):
Disable: Temporarily stop the Pipeline from ingesting data and loading it to your Destination.
Sync Now: Start a Job to sync incremental data from your Source with the Destination.
Resync Pipeline: Restart the historical load for all the active objects in your Pipeline
Delete Pipeline: Delete the Pipeline and remove it from the Pipelines List.
4 Job Data Controls Enables you to control the Jobs data that is displayed. The Data Controls, from left to right are:
- Filters: List the Jobs based on their status, Job type, and start time.
- Page Scroll: Browse through the list of Jobs created by your team using the Arrow icons.
- Refresh: Allows you to view the newly created Jobs that are not visible in the UI yet.
5 Job List Displays the list of Jobs created for your Pipeline.
6 Job Summary Provides a brief summary of the Job. The Job Summary includes, from left to right:
- Job ID: The sequential serial number assigned to the Job at the time of creation.
- Started at: The time at which the Job started.
- Duration: The time for which the Job ran.
- Max Latency: The maximum of the latencies across all Source objects in a particular Job.
- Ingested:The total number of Source Events ingested for the objects included in the Job.
- Loaded: The total number of Events loaded to the Destination for the objects included in the Job.
- Failed: The total number of Events that were not loaded to the Destination.
- Status: The status of the Job.

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