Familiarizing with the Destinations UI

Last updated on Aug 26, 2024

When you click Destinations in the Navigation Bar, the Destinations List View is displayed. In this page, you can view the list of Destinations created by you or your team, filter the results using Data Controls, and click on any Destination to open it in the Detailed View. You can also add Destinations from within this page.

The following sections highlight the main elements of the Destinations List View and the Detailed View:

Destinations List View

Refer to the image and descriptions below to familiarize yourself with the components of the Destinations List View.

Destinations List View

The following table describes each of these components:

Page Component Title Description
1 Search Bar Enables you to search for Destinations created by you or your team using the:
- Partial or complete name of the Destination.
- Serial number of the Destination.
2 Data Controls Enables you to control the data that is displayed. The Data Controls, from left to right are:
- Filters: List the Destinations based on their status, Active or Failed.
- Newest First: Sort and display the Destinations list based on the criterion selected from the drop-down. By default, the newest Destinations are displayed first.
- Refresh: Allows you to view the newly created Destinations that are not visible in the UI yet.
3 + CREATE DESTINATION button Enables you to create a Destination.
4 Asset List Displays the list of Destinations created by you or your team. This list can be refined based on the Data Controls or the search string.
5 Destination Summary Provides a brief summary of an existing Destination. This includes, from left to right:
- The sequential serial number assigned to the Destination at the time of creation. For example, #1.
- The name and type of the Destination.
- The status and data loading frequency of the Destination.
6 Connected Pipelines Displays the logos of all the Sources for which you have created Pipelines with this Destination.

For example, in the image above, Google Sheets and HubSpot are the Sources for which Snowflake Warehouse is configured as a Destination in a Pipeline.
7 Connected Activations Displays the logos of all the Targets for which you have created Activations with this Destination as a Warehouse.

For example, in the image above, HubSpot and Salesforce are the Targets for which Snowflake Warehouse is configured as a Warehouse in an Activation.

Destinations Detailed View

Click anywhere in a Destination Summary row to open its Detailed View. This view displays the Overview tab by default. The following image highlights the main components of the tab and the actions you can perform in it.

Overview tab of the Destinations Detailed View

The following table describes each of these components:

Page Component Title Description
1 Tools Bar Provides links to the other tabs:
- Activity Log. Here, you can monitor all the Destination level actions, such as, updates made to the mappings or to the connections settings.
- Workbench. Here, you can:
— Run SQL queries on the Destination.
— Create and view the tables, along with their respective schemas.
— Delete a table using the kebab menu (kebab menu) available alongside each table.
— Run SQL queries to create views.
— Only the views created for the JDBC Destinations are listed in the Workbench page. Different icons are displayed to differentiate views (views) from tables (tables).
— A view can be deleted using only the SQL queries.
2 Global Search Displays your most recent work, such as Pipelines, Models, and Destinations in the left pane, and their key details, available actions, and related documentation on the right. In addition, you can search for and configure any unused Source or Destination from the search results window.
3 Destination Details Displays:
- The serial number assigned to the Destination at the time of creation.
- The Destination name and type along with its logo.
4 Connected Pipelines Displays:
- The Sources (indicated by their logos), if any, that use this Destination in a Pipeline.
- The list of connected Pipelines created with this Destination, when you hover on any Source logo. The hover window contains the details of the Pipelines such as the serial number, the name, the Source type, and the status. You can click on the serial number of the Pipeline to view it.
- The status of the Pipeline on the left in the hover window, through a color-coded bar (Green for ACTIVE, Red for FAILED, Yellow for PAUSED).
5 Connected Activations Displays:
- The Targets (indicated by their logos), if any, that use this Destination as a Warehouse in an Activation.
- The list of connected Activations when you hover on any Target logo. The hover window contains the details of the Activations such as the serial number, the name, the Target type, and the status. You can click on the serial number of the Activation to view it.
- The status of the Activation on the left in the hover window, through a color-coded bar (Green for ACTIVE, Red for FAILED, Yellow for PAUSED).
6 Destination Status Displays whether the Destination is ACTIVE or FAILED, along with the data loading frequency. You can click on the More ( ) icon to access the actions available for the Destination.
7 Destination Activity Provides a snapshot of the current status of tasks in the Destination:
- Latency Graph shows the average latency for the Destination across all Pipelines replicating data to it. The graph points denote latency at different points in time.
- Load Graph shows the total Events loaded to the Destination. Each bar represents the Events per Destination load. The bar can display two colors:
Light blue: Represents the historical (free) Events loaded to the Destination.
Dark blue: Represents the incremental (billable) Events loaded to the Destination.
8 Destination Tables List Displays the list of tables across all Sources integrated with the Destination and:
- The number of Events loaded to each table.
- The number of pending Events for each table.
- Data loading status. This can be In Process, Success, or Failed.
- Any latency at the Table level.
- Time of the last data load.

Note: Table view is not applicable for the S3 Destination. Table-level pending Events are not applicable to JDBC Destinations, such as, Postgres, MySQL, MSSQL and Aurora MySQL.

Note: A Warehouse in Activate is the data source from which data is synchronized with a Target object. On the other hand, data is loaded to a Destination from a Source.

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Aug-26-2024 2.27 Updated section, Destinations List View to reflect the latest Hevo UI.
Apr-10-2023 2.11 Updated section, Pipelines Detailed View to add information about the enhanced search functionality.
Apr-25-2022 1.87 Updated section, Destinations Detailed View to add information regarding the views.
Feb-07-2022 1.81 Updated section, Destinations Detailed View to reflect latest changes in the graphs present in the Destinations Detailed View.
Dec-06-2021 NA Updated the screenshots and content to reflect the latest user interface and functionality.

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