Release Version 1.95

Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

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To know the list of features and integrations we are working on next, read our Upcoming Features page!

In this Release

New and Changed Features


  • NetSuite ERP as a Source

    • Provided integration with NetSuite ERP as a Source for creating Pipelines.

      NetSuite ERP as a Source

      Read NetSuite ERP.

User Experience

  • Support for Multiple Accounts with the Same Domain Name

    • In a major step to allow users to adopt Hevo more seamlessly across teams, provided an option for multiple users to sign up in Hevo using the same domain name. In addition, users will be able to create up to five workspaces in each Hevo region. Each workspace has a separate billing account. While signing up in Hevo, users can choose to join the workspace of an existing team in that region or create a new team and workspace. For example, if you have accounts in EU and US region, you can create up to five teams or workspaces in each of these regions, and your teammates can choose to join either of these workspaces, or create a new one, if five workspaces have not been created already.

      Multi Team

      Read Creating your Account.

  • New Pricing Plan

    • Revised the Events quota tiers in the Starter plan with effect from 1st August, 2022, based on the plan adoption trend by customers. The new tiers offer Events quota of 5 Million, 20 Million, 50 Million, and 100 Million events respectively to enable customers to select the configuration most appropriate for them. These replace the earlier Events quota tiers of 10 Million, 20 Million, 50 Million, 100 Million, 200 Million, and 300 Million Events.

      This change only affects customers who are subscribing to the Starter plan for the first time or renewing or revising their Events quota tier.

      New pricing plans

      Read Pricing Plans.

Fixes and Improvements


  • Improved Pagination Strategy for Zendesk Objects

    • Enabled cursor-based pagination for objects that support it, to improve performance when retrieving large number of records.
  • Quicker Access to Data for JDBC Sources

    • Separated the historical and incremental load tasks for new Pipelines. Hevo now divides historical and incremental data into different tasks and ingests them simultaneously. As a result, you will be able to access your data more quickly.
  • Support for Parsing all Array Types in PostgreSQL

    • Enhanced the ingestion process to parse all ingested array types and convert them into one array type. This change applies to all new Hevo users. However, you can contact Hevo Support to enable this feature for you.

Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Releases 1.95:

Account Management



Getting Started


Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Sep-02-2022 NA - Updated section, NetSuite ERP as a Source to provide a link to the NetSuite ERP documentation.

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