Resolving Event Failures
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The resolution of failed Events in Hevo is decided by the type of failure, the configuration of the Pipeline, and the underlying failure reason. You may choose to resolve and replay only a partial list or just the critical failed Events for a failed Event Type. The resolved Events are processed and loaded to the Destination, whereas the remaining are again listed as failed Events. You can also choose to permanently discard the failed Events.
Hevo provides you three ways of resolving Event failures:
Resolving Event Failures through Transformations
You can apply Transformations on failed Events based on the failure reason, for example, in case of transformation script timed out error, you must optimize the transformation code to load the failed Events successfully to the Destination. Read Transformations for steps to do this. You can also test the Transformations on sample failed Events.
Manually Resolving Event Failures
In the Pipeline Overview page, perform the following steps to manually resolve Event failures:
Fix the Underlying Issues
In the Pipeline Objects section, click on the summary count of the failed Events for an object and select View Details to view the failure reason.
Click the action button and make the required changes. For example, in the image below, click MAP SCHEMA to update the schema mapping. When finished, click DONE.
Replay the Events
After fixing the error, you can replay the Events related to a specific failure reason individually for each Event Type or replay failed Events for all failure reasons across multiple Event Types and objects at once as a bulk action.
To replay fixed Events related to a specific failure reason for each Event Type individually:
In the Pipeline Objects section, click the More (
) icon in the Event Type row, and then, click Replay.
To replay fixed Events for all failure reasons across multiple Event Types in an object:
In the Pipeline Objects section, click the More (
) icon on the object, and select Replay Failed Events.
To replay fixed Events across multiple Event Types and objects:
In the Pipeline Objects section, click on the summary count of failed Events for all objects to to view the object-wise breakup.
Choose the objects you want to resolve or include all the objects by selecting the Objects checkbox. The Bulk Action toolbar is displayed.
In the Bulk Actions toolbar, click the MORE drop-down and select Replay Failed Events to replay all the Events.
Skipping Failed Events
You can skip the failed Events and not load them to the Destination. These Events are discarded or dropped by Hevo.
To discard failed Events, do one of the following:
Skip failed Events related to a specific failure reason for each Event Type individually:
In the Pipeline Objects section, click the More (
) icon in the Event Type row, and then, Skip. A warning message is displayed.
Click YES, GO AHEAD to purge the failed Events for the selected Event Type.
Skip all failed Events in an object at once
In the Pipeline Objects section, click the More (
) icon on the object, and select Skip Failed Events. A warning message is displayed.
Click YES, GO AHEAD to purge the selected set of failed Events.
Skip failed Events across multiple Event Types and objects.
To do this:
In the Pipeline Objects section, click on the summary count of failed Events for all objects to view the object-wise breakup.
Select the objects whose failed Events you want to skip or select the Objects check box to skip the failed Events for all the objects.
In the Bulk Actions toolbar, click the MORE drop-down, and select Skip Failed Events. A warning message is displayed.
Click YES, GO AHEAD to purge the selected set of failed Events.
When replayed, Events are fed back into the Transformations stage of the Pipeline. In case the Events were created through the Transformations code, they are fed back to the Schema Mapper stage instead of the Transformations stage.
If ingestion is log-based, being done via a webhook, or is from a DynamoDB Source, it may not be possible to re-ingest the skipped Events, as the Source system itself would have purged the data.
Auto-replaying Failed Events
Hevo auto-replays failed Events as frequently as five minutes. The total time taken for the Event to be processed, however, may be determined by other factors too, such as, the amount of time taken by the job to complete.
Revision History
Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:
Date | Release | Description of Change |
Sep-21-2022 | NA | Updated the page overview to organize content for better clarity. |
Feb-21-2022 | 1.82 | Updated section Manually Resolving Event Failures to add information about bulk options to Replay or Skip failed Events. |
Mar-23-2021 | 1.59 | Added the section, Resolving Event Failures through Transformations. |