
Last updated on Sep 03, 2024

Opsgenie is a modern incident management platform that ensures critical incidents are never missed, and actions are taken by the right people in the shortest possible time. It receives alerts from your monitoring systems and custom applications and categorizes each alert based on importance and timing.

You can replicate the data from your Opsgenie account to a Destination database or data warehouse using Hevo Pipelines. Hevo ingests the data objects in Full Load mode. Refer to section, Data Model for the list of supported objects.

Hevo uses the Opsgenie API to replicate the data present in your Opsgenie account to the desired Destination database or data warehouse for scalable analysis.


Obtaining the API Key

You require an API key to authenticate Hevo on your Opsgenie account.

Note: You must log in as an Owner or an Admin user to perform these steps.

Perform the following steps to obtain your API key and secret:

  1. Log in to your Opsgenie account.

  2. In the Alerts page, click on the profile picture at the top right corner, and click Profile settings.

    Click Profile settings

  3. In the left navigation pane, scroll down to the APP SETTINGS section and click API key management.

    API key management

  4. In the API key management page, do one of the following:

    • Use an existing API key:

      • Click the Copy icon corresponding to the API key to copy it and save it like any other password. Use this key while configuring your Hevo Pipeline.

        Use existing token

    • Create an API Key:

      1. Click Add new API key.

      2. In the Add new API key pop-up window, do the following:

        Create new API token

        1. Name: A unique name for the API key.

        2. Key: Click the Copy icon corresponding to the API key to copy it and save it like any other password. Use this key while configuring your Hevo Pipeline.

        3. Access rights: Select the Read, Create and Update, Delete, and Configuration access to allow Hevo to ingest your data.

        4. Click Add API Key to add this API key in your Opsgenie account.

Configuring Opsgenie as a Source

Perform the following steps to configure Opsgenie as the Source in your Pipeline:

  1. Click PIPELINES in the Navigation Bar.

  2. Click + CREATE PIPELINE in the Pipelines List View.

  3. In the Select Source Type page, select Opsgenie.

  4. In the Configure your Opsgenie Source page, specify the following:

    Configure Opsgenie as a Source

    • Pipeline Name: A unique name for the Pipeline, not exceeding 255 characters.

    • API Token: The API key that you obtained and copied from your Opsgenie account.

  5. Click TEST & CONTINUE.

  6. Proceed to configuring the data ingestion and setting up the Destination.

Data Replication

For Teams Created Default Ingestion Frequency Minimum Ingestion Frequency Maximum Ingestion Frequency Custom Frequency Range (in Hrs)
Before Release 2.21 1 Hr 1 Hr 24 Hrs 1-24
After Release 2.21 6 Hrs 30 Mins 24 Hrs 1-24

Note: The custom frequency must be set in hours as an integer value. For example, 1, 2, or 3 but not 1.5 or 1.75.

Hevo ingests all the objects in Full Load mode in each run of the Pipeline.

Schema and Primary Keys

Hevo uses the following schema to upload the records in the Destination database:

Data Model

The following is the list of tables (objects) that are created at the Destination when you run the Pipeline:

Object Description
Alerts Contains a list of all the alerts generated by incidents. Alerts store the information provided by their triggering events such as the actions required and the users that should respond to the incident.
Alert Recipients Contains the details of all the users that receive the alert notification whenever an alert is triggered.
Alert Logs Contains the details of all the events related to an alert along with the timestamp of the event.
Alert Notes Contains the details of the additional information which a user provides during the creation of an alert.
Incidents Contains the details of all the Incidents in your Opsgenie account. Incidents are special types of alerts created for a high-priority service interruption.
Incident Logs Contains the details of all the events related to an incident along with the timestamp of the event.
Incident Timeline Entries Contains the details about the time taken for a certain incident from its creation till it is resolved.
Users Contains a details of all the users with access to your Opsgenie account.
Contacts Contains details about the additional information required to reach out to a user.
Notification Rules Contains the details of the configurations that specify when and how to receive the notifications for an alert.
Teams Contains details of the different group of users that represent an organization.
Team Logs Contains the details of all the events related to a team along with the timestamp of the event.
Team Roles Contains the details of all the permissions assigned to teams to manage specific features.
Team Routing Rules Contains the details of all the rules used to specify when and which members of a team to notify for an alert.
Alert Policies Contains details of the configuration settings for an alert that lets users manage the content, recipients, and delay notifications for an alert.
Action Channels Contains details of the Action channels in your Opsgenie account. Action channels store configurations required for Opsgenie to help you take actions for an alert or automatically take the required actions for it.
Schedules Contains the details of the users who are on-call and their work shifts.
Schedule Rotations Contains the details of the shift changes of the users in an on-call schedule.
Schedule Overrides Contains the details of schedule overrides that allow users to take the on-call for a specified period of time by replacing themselves with the assigned users.
On Calls Contains the details of the various people who are available at specific times to resolve high severity incidents.
Services Contains the details of the incident response functions of an Opsgenie team.
Service Incident Rules Contains the details of all the rules that let you customize how your incidents are created.
Integrations Contains the details of the services or softwares in use by your teams in Opsgenie.
Heartbeats Contains the details of all the Heartbearts in your Opsgenie account. Heartbeats are HTTP based requests that are sent to ensure that your system is able to connect to Opsgenie continuously.
Maintenance Contains the details of all the maintenance activities that have occurred in your Opsgenie account.
Custom User Roles Contains the list of all the custom roles created for users in the Opsgenie account.
Escalations Contains the details of the order in which the notifications for the alert are sent to the recipients.
Forwarding Rules Contains the details of the rules that specify which users to notify in absence of the originally assigned user for the notification.
Custom Incident Templates Contains the details of all the incident templates created by users for specific incidents in the Opsgenie.

Source Considerations

  • Pagination: An API call for each pagination object fetches one page with up to 100 records.

  • Rate Limit: Opsgenie imposes a limit of 74 API calls per minute. If the limit is exceeded, Hevo defers the ingestion till the limits reset.


  • Hevo does not capture information for records deleted in the Source objects.

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Mar-05-2024 2.21 Updated the ingestion frequency table in the Data Replication section.
Oct-25-2022 2.00 New document.

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