Instagram Business

Last updated on Sep 03, 2024

Instagram Business is used by both content creators and businesses to publish posts and stories. You need an Instagram Business account to get insights into how these posts, stories, and your account are performing.

Instagram is managed by Facebook. Therefore, each of your Instagram Business accounts must be linked to a Facebook page. However, one Facebook account may be linked to up to five Instagram Business accounts. To fetch your Instagram data, Hevo uses your Facebook login credentials to authenticate the respective Instagram Business account.

You can create Pipelines in Hevo that read your data using the Facebook Marketing API and load it to a Destination system of your choice.

Note: From Release 2.25, Hevo has upgraded to v19.0 of the Marketing API. You may need to reauthorize Hevo for existing Pipelines. Refer to section, Add an Instagram Business account and authorize Hevo for the authorization steps.

Source Considerations

  • Instagram allows you to fetch data of up to two years from the current date.

  • Instagram allows you to create a business account and link it to Facebook only via the mobile app.

  • Instagram Business aggregates the follower_count metric over a rolling window of the last 30 days. It does not capture any data updates made outside of this window.

  • Hevo fetches only the latest 10,000 media entities each time the media_detail object is ingested due to the constraints imposed by Instagram.


  • Hevo currently does not support the Hashtags object.

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Jul-01-2024 2.25 Updated the page overview to:
- Remove the warning container about upgrade to Marketing API v18.0,
- Add a note about the upgrade to Marketing API v19.0.
Mar-05-2024 2.21 Updated the ingestion frequency table in the Data Replication section.
Jan-29-2024 2.19.3 - Added a warning container at the top of the page to mention the Marketing API v18.0 update.
- Updated sections, Data Model, Schema and Primary Keys, and Data Replication to add information about changes to the Instagram ERD with the Marketing API v18.0 update.
Oct-17-2022 NA Updated the section, Source Considerations to include information about the rolling window imposed by Instagram on the ingestion of the follower_count metric.
Jul-27-2022 NA Updated Note in section, Data Replication.
Apr-11-2022 1.86 Added a note in section, Data Replication to inform about optimized quota consumption for Full Load objects.
Dec-20-2021 1.78 Added ‘media_comment_insights’ to the list of objects under Data Replication, Incremental Data section.
Oct-25-2021 NA Added the Pipeline frequency information in the Data Replication section.
Sep-20-2021 1.72 - Replaced media with media_detail in the Data Replication and Data Model sections.
- Updated the section, Source Considerations to include information about the constraints imposed by Instagram on the ingestion of the media_detail object.
Jul-26-2021 NA Added a note in the Overview section about Hevo providing a fully-managed Google BigQuery Destination for Pipelines created with this Source.
Apr-06-2021 1.60 New document

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