Find & Replace

Last updated on Jun 01, 2023
Description: Find and replace string values across one or more fields.
Available Filters: Event Filters:
- Event Type
- Event Field

Field Filters:
- Field Name
- Field Value
Settings: Find: The string to be searched. For example, Limited

Replace: The value to replace the search string with. For example, Ltd

Regex: Select this check box if you want the input to be matched using a regular expression. For example, the regex ā€œ\dā€ can be used to find all numeric characters within a value. However, if the value in the Event is of type, varchar and contains a mix of letters and numbers, every time a number is encountered, it is replaced by the new value. So, if the replacement value is say, new, then the value 3ba78 might be replaced as newbanewnew. Similarly, the regex ā€œ\Dā€ can be used to search all non-numeric characters

Match Case: Select this check box to match the casing of the letters while searching.
Transformation Considerations: Find & Replace works on field values only and not on field or Event names.

Sample Transformation

Scenario: Find all occurrences of a non-numeric value in the Result field and change it to F, in the Event Type, Student.Sheet1.


  • Event Type = Student.Sheet1
  • Fields = All fields with name = Result


  • Regex check box = selected
  • Find = \D (D = non-digit, while d = digit)
    Replace = F

Find and Replace settings

Result: When you test the Transformation, the non-numeric value Fail in the Result field is changed to F.

Find and Replace settings

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Nov-29-2022 NA Enhanced the content for clarity.
Nov-10-2022 NA Created as a new document.

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