Microsoft Ads

Last updated on Oct 20, 2024

Microsoft Ads, also known as Bing Ads, is a pay-per-click advertising platform for reaching a target audience in the Bing network. It creates ads and displays them as per the user’s search query. Using this platform, you can grow your online presence, track your ad performance, manage finances, and optimize your budgets.


Microsoft Ads offers two types of accounts:

  • Advertiser (Ad) account: This account allows you to run your ads and generate reports.

  • Manager or Customer account: This account allows you to create and manage other ad accounts. It also provides you access to reports generated in other ad accounts.

Note: A manager account can be linked to other manager and ad accounts in an infinite hierarchical setup.

Hevo uses the Bing Ads API to ingest data from your Microsoft Ads account. Within this API, Hevo also uses the following:

To ingest the data, you must allow Hevo to access it from your Microsoft Ads account.

Core Objects

Microsoft Ads provides a variety of objects that contain your ad campaign data, some of which may have a hierarchical structure. For example, the Ads object may occur within the hierarchy of an Account → Campaigns → Ad Groups → Ads → Keywords associated with the ad.

Hevo supports data ingestion for the following objects:


Reports provide metrics around users, their interaction-related details, and the performance of your ads. During replication, Hevo creates one report per object per account. Hevo supports data ingestion for the following reports. To integrate any report apart from these, contact Hevo Support.

Read Report Types for the detailed list of reports offered by Microsoft Ads.

Report Category Report Name Description
Performance Reports   Contains details of the effectiveness and cost of ads, and keywords for a specified time period.
  Account Performance Report Contains details of the long-term account performance and trends.
  Ad Group Performance Report Contains details of the delivery performance statistics by ad group, campaign, or account attributes rather than at the keyword level.
  Ad Performance Report Contains details of the performance of your ads, such as impressions, clicks, and conversions.
  Audience Performance Report Contains details of the delivery performance statistics by audience, ad group, campaign, or account attributes.
  Campaign Performance Report Contains details of the performance statistics and quality attributes for each ad campaign or account.
  Destination Url Performance Report Contains a list of pages that met audience expectations and resulted in high click-through or conversion rates.
  Keyword Performance Report Contains details of the keywords that are performing well and the ones that are not.
  Search Query Performance Report Contains details of the performance of your ads against the search terms that prompted them to be displayed to an audience.
Product Ad Reports   Contains details of the performance of Microsoft Shopping Campaigns as per the product partition and product offer data.
  Product Dimension Performance Report Contains details of the performance aggregated by product category, custom label, title, and type for a specified time period.
  Product Partition Performance Report Contains details of the performance aggregated by product group and product partition type, for a specified time period.
  Product Search Query Performance Report Contains details of the user searches where your ads are visible.
Targeting Reports   Contains details of how your ads are used to target the desired audience.
  Age Gender Audience Report Contains details of how your campaigns and ad groups are resonating with various age groups and genders.
  Geographic Performance Report Contains details of the source of traffic as per the country, state, city, and radius.
  User Location Performance Report Contains details of the physical location of users who are clicking your ads.

Source Considerations

Report Attributes and Performance Statistics

Report data includes both attributes and performance metrics data. By default, Hevo selects all report attributes and metrics for replication. However, in case of any conflict between these, Hevo replicates only the non-conflicting attributes and all the possible metrics data. Read Column Restrictions to know about the conflicting columns in reports.

Reporting Data Retention Period

Microsoft Ads retains the data in the reports for a maximum of 36 months and aggregates it daily. As a result, Hevo fetches the historical data for the past 36 months. Read Reporting Data Retention Period for more information.

Data Completeness

Microsoft Ads processes the report data throughout the day, and during this time, the data is considered incomplete. It is usually considered complete at the end of the day when Microsoft Ads finishes its processing.

The refresher tasks in Hevo fetch the report data every day, for the past two days to ensure that the data loaded is complete.

Rate Limits

Microsoft Ads limits the number of calls that can be made to its APIs in a time period. This limit ensures that their system remains stable for usage by all users. As a result, depending on the API, if Hevo approaches the limit, it defers the following tasks:

  • Core Object tasks for 15 minutes.

  • Report tasks for 60 seconds.

Read Rate Limits.


  • Hevo replicates the data only for some Microsoft Ads objects and reports.

  • Hevo does not support sandbox accounts.

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Sep-30-2024 2.28.1 Updated section, Data Replication to change the default ingestion frequency to 12 Hrs.
Mar-05-2024 2.21 Updated the ingestion frequency table in the Data Replication section.
Jun-09-2022 NA Modified section, Authenticating Hevo on Microsoft Advertising using OAuth to add information about multi-factor authentication.
Oct-25-2021 NA Added the Pipeline frequency information in the Data Replication section.
Jul-26-2021 NA Added a note in the Overview section about Hevo providing a fully-managed Google BigQuery Destination for Pipelines created with this Source.

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