Modifying a Pipeline

Last updated on Jan 06, 2025

Some Pipeline settings and Source and Destination settings can be modified even after Pipeline creation. For example, you can:

  • Change the Pipeline schedule. Read Scheduling a Pipeline. These changes take effect on the next run of the Pipeline.

  • Change object-level settings to include or skip the objects, pause or restart the historical load, or change the position of the last ingested Event, from the Pipeline Overview page. These changes take effect immediately.

  • Modify the Source and Destination configuration. Read Modifying the Source and Destination Configuration. Hevo uses the new configuration to connect to the Source or Destination in the next ingestion or load cycle respectively.


Modifying the Source and Destination Configuration

You can modify only some of the Source and Destination settings. The settings that cannot be modified are disabled.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To modify the Source configuration, access the Edit Source Configuration page from the Pipelines Detailed View and click the Settings ( Settings icon ) icon next to the Source name.

      Edit Source settings

    • To modify the Destination configuration, access the Edit Destination Configuration page from the Pipelines Detailed View or the Destinations Detailed View. Then, click the Settings ( Settings icon ) icon next to the Destination name.

      Edit Destination settings

  2. In the hover window that appears, click the Edit ( Edit icon ) icon.

  3. In the respective Edit Connection Settings page, modify the required settings.

    If you do not want to proceed with making the changes, click the GO BACK button in the browser to return to the Pipelines Detailed View or the Destinations Detailed View.

  4. Click TEST CONNECTION followed by TEST & SAVE for the Source settings, and SAVE & CONTINUE for the Destination settings.

See Also

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Feb-21-2022 NA Updated section, Modifying the Source and Destination Configuration.
Jun-28-2021 NA New document.

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