MongoDB Atlas

Last updated on Feb 05, 2025

After you have selected MongoDB Atlas as the Source for creating the Pipeline, provide the connection settings and data replication details listed here on the Configure your MongoDB Atlas Source page. You can fetch the database settings from your MongoDB Atlas account.

You can connect to the MongoDB database in one of the following ways:

  • By specifying the individual connection fields such as database host, database port, username, and password.

  • By entering the connection URI to connect to your MongoDB replica set or sharded cluster.

    Connection URIs are of two types:

    • DNS Seedlist: This type of connection URI has the prefix mongodb+srv://.

      For example, mongodb+srv://

      The +srv part indicates that the hostname corresponds to a DNS SRV record. The hostnames and port values for your MongoDB database are fetched from the DNS SRV record.

    • Standard Connection String: This type of connection URI has the prefix mongodb://. This contains a comma-separated list of host:port combinations.

      For example, mongodb://,,

      In the above example, Jerome is the database user and Hevo123 is the password for the database user.

Source Considerations

  • MongoDB does not allow data ingestion from the OpLog in sharded clusters. As a result, Hevo cannot support OpLog as the ingestion mode when connecting to such clusters. Hence, you must select the Change Streams mode while configuring your Pipeline.


  • Hevo does not support configuring a standalone instance of MongoDB without a replica.

  • Hevo does not load an Event into the Destination table if its size exceeds 128 MB, which may lead to discrepancies between your Source and Destination data. To avoid such a scenario, ensure that each row in your Source objects contains less than 100 MB of data.

See Also

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Jan-07-2025 NA Updated the Limitations section to add information on Event size.
Oct-22-2024 NA Updated sections, Set up Permissions to Read MongoDB Atlas Databases (Optional), Whitelist Hevo’s IP Addresses and Retrieve Database Settings as per the latest MongoDB Atlas UI.
Oct-09-2024 NA Updated the Prerequisites section to reflect that Hevo only supports MongoDB version 3.4 and higher.
Apr-29-2024 NA Updated section, Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings to include more detailed steps.
Mar-05-2024 2.21 - Added the Data Replication and Source Considerations sections.
- Updated the Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings section to add information about selecting Change Streams as the ingestion mode for sharded clusters.
Sep-04-2023 NA Updated the page as per the latest MongoDB UI.
Mar-16-2023 NA Added a warning in the Advance Settings in section, Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings about dropping databases from the Source after the Pipeline is created.
Mar-09-2023 2.09 Updated section, Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings to mention about SEE MORE in the Select an Ingestion Mode section.
Dec-19-2022 2.04 Updated section, Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings to add information that you must specify all fields to create a Pipeline.
Dec-07-2022 2.03 Updated section, Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings to mention about the connectivity checker.
Jul-12-2022 1.92 Updated section, Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings to include information about the drop-down to select databases in the Load All Databases option.
Apr-21-2022 1.86 Updated section, Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings.
Jan-03-2022 1.79 Updated the description of the Include New Tables in the Pipeline advance setting in the Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings section.
Jul-12-2021 1.67 Added the field Include New Tables in the Pipeline under Source configuration settings.
Jun-28-2021 1.66 - Updated the page overview section.
- Updated the section Retrieve Database Settings to include latest steps.
- Updated the section Set up Permissions to Read MongoDB Atlas Databases to include latest steps.
- Updated the section Configure MongoDB Atlas Connection Settings to include the option to connect to the MongoDB Atlas database using connection string.
- Added section, Limitations.

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