Google Ads

Last updated on Feb 05, 2025

From Release 2.32.2 onwards, Hevo supports Google Ads API V18, which includes enhanced reporting capabilities. You are not required to take any action, as existing Pipelines are automatically upgraded to V18 during the next poll. This upgrade ensures that all the newly added resources, including attributes and metrics, are added to your reports.

If your custom reports contain deprecated metrics, Hevo automatically updates them. This may result in some NULL fields in your Destination. This happens because the required data may not be available to poll. To avoid this, update your custom reports to use the supported metrics as per V18.

Google Ads is an advertising platform by Google that allows businesses to create ads for their products and services. It also provides statistics for these ads to gather insights and grow your business faster.

Hevo uses the Google Ads API to ingest data from your Google Ads account and replicate it into the Destination of your choice. The Google Ads API is the next generation of Google AdWords API. It provides you with new features and improvements over the AdWords API that make it easy for you to manage large and complex accounts.

Source Considerations

  • Google Ads does not support custom metrics and dimensions in the reports.

  • For custom reports, you can only select the metrics and dimensions that are compatible with the segments you select. Read Segments to know more about the segments in Google Ads, and the metrics and dimensions compatible with these segments.

  • The Google Ads API does not return any Events in the report if an ad did not get any impressions. Therefore, the schema for that ad is not created in your Destination. This is because the Google Ads API does not support the includeZeroImpressions parameter.

  • The Google Ads API uses a querying approach to fetch data from your Google Ads account. Therefore, there are no readily available reports in Google Ads. Hevo aggregates the data in your Google Ads account and generates a report using the segments, dimensions, and metrics of the various resources in your account. It results in a higher number of ingestions for your Hevo Google Ads Pipeline. For example, let us say, while setting up your Pipeline in Hevo, you also set the aggregation window as last 30 days for 100 reports, and the ingestion frequency as 1 hour. Then, the number of reports ingested every 1 hour would be 30 x 100 = 3000 reports. In one day, the number of reports ingested would be 3000 x 24 = 72000 reports. As a result, the number of Events ingested per day is high.

  • Google Ads has removed support for exporting data for some Gmail-related metrics in the Ad Group Ad report in Version 12 of their API. As a result, from Release 2.09, Hevo does not support the ingestion of historical data for these metrics, and all existing Pipelines containing these metrics now load null values for these fields.


  • Hevo does not fetch data for the metrics that are not filterable by the segment, date.

  • Hevo does not load an Event into the Destination table if its size exceeds 128 MB, which may lead to discrepancies between your Source and Destination data. To avoid such a scenario, ensure that each row in your Source objects contains less than 100 MB of data.

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Jan-31-2025 NA - Removed section, Migrating Pipelines to Google Ads API V16.
- Updated the warning container in the page overview to include information about the upgrade to Google Ads API v18
Jan-07-2025 NA Updated the Limitations section to add information on Event size.
Jan-06-2024 NA Updated section, Granting Access to your Google Ads Account (Optional) as per the latest Google Ads UI.
Sep-30-2024 2.28.1 Updated section, Data Replication to change the default ingestion frequency to 12 Hrs.
Aug-19-2024 2.26.3 - Removed section, Migrating Pipelines to Google Ads API V15.
- Added section, Migrating Pipelines to Google Ads API V16.
Mar-05-2024 2.21 Updated the ingestion frequency table in the Data Replication section.
Nov-28-2023 2.18 - Added section, Migrating Pipelines to Google Ads API V15.
- Updated the page to add information about Google Ads API V15.
Jul-21-2023 NA Updated the page to add information according to the latest Hevo functionality.
Apr-04-2023 NA Updated section, Configuring Google Ads as a Source to update the information about historical sync duration.
Mar-09-2023 2.09 - Updated section, Source Considerations to add information about Google Ads not exporting data for some metrics.
- Updated section, Data Model to update the links of the reports to Version 12 of the Google Ads API.
Jan-10-2023 NA Updated section, Data Model to add descriptions for reports.
Oct-25-2022 2.00 Added the section, Granting Access to your Google Ads Account with steps to provide other users access to the Google Ads account.
Sep-21-2022 NA New document.

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