Twitter Ads

Last updated on Oct 20, 2024

Twitter Ads is an online advertising platform that allows businesses to reach their desired target audience on Twitter. It can be used to promote content, products, services, events, website traffic, and app downloads. Twitter displays these ads in the form of promoted tweets, accounts, and trend takeovers.

Hevo uses the Twitter Ads API to ingest the data from your Twitter Ads account and replicate it into the desired Destination database or data warehouse for scalable analysis. You must obtain the API keys and tokens to allow Hevo to access data from your Twitter Ads account.

Source Considerations

  • From version 10 of Twitter Ads API, only advertising-enabled accounts are visible in the Ads Accounts drop-down while configuring Twitter Ads as a Source in Hevo. Any existing Pipelines created with accounts not enabled for advertising are not affected. However, if you want to continue using the non-advertiser accounts, you must enable them for advertising. Read Ads account creation for the steps to do this.

  • Twitter Ads has made the following changes to the Line Items object:

    • Renamed the bid_type field to bid_strategy.

    • Deprecated the automatically_select_bid and tracking_tags fields.

    As a result, from Release 1.81 onwards, Hevo:

    • automatically maps the bid_strategy field to the Destination table, if you had enabled Auto Mapping while creating the Pipeline.

    • ingests null values for the automatically_select_bid and tracking_tags fields.


  • None.

See Also

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Sep-30-2024 2.28.1 Updated section, Data Replication to change the default ingestion frequency to 12 Hrs.
Mar-05-2024 2.21 Updated the ingestion frequency table in the Data Replication section.
Oct-30-2023 NA Updated the page as per the latest Twitter Ads UI.
Dec-07-2022 NA Updated section, Data Replication to reorganize the content for better understanding and coherence.
Feb-07-2022 1.81 - Reorganized the content in the Data Replication section.
- Segregated the reports content based on their type in sections, Schema and Primary Keys and Data Model.
- Added section, Source Considerations.
Jan-03-2022 1.79 Added information about reverse historical load in the Data Replication section.
Oct-25-2021 NA Added the Pipeline frequency information in the Data Replication section.

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