Release Version 1.59 (Mar-23-2021)

Last updated on Dec 26, 2023

Note: The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. Always access the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.

In this Release

New and Changed Features


  • On-demand Loading of Events to Data Warehouse Destinations

    • You can now manually initiate the loading of pending Events to data warehouse Destinations without waiting for the next scheduled run of the load task. You can do this for a Pipeline, Destination, and table.

      Load Events Now option

    Read Manually Triggering the Loading of Events.



  • Google Analytics 360
    • Added support for Google Analytics 360 as a Source. Once you have exported your analytical and insight data from Google Analytics 360 to Google BigQuery, Hevo allows you to replicate it to a Destination of your choice.

      GA360 Source

      Read Google Analytics 360.

Fixes and Improvements


Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created or enhanced in Release 1.59:

The following pages have been moved or deleted in Release 1.59:

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