
Last updated on Mar 05, 2024

Starting Release 2.19, Hevo has stopped supporting XMIN as a query mode for all variants of the PostgreSQL Source. As a result, you will not be able to create new Pipelines using this query mode. This change does not affect existing Pipelines. However, you will not be able to change the query mode to XMIN for any objects currently ingesting data using other query modes.

Hevo supports the following variations of PostgreSQL as a Source:

Click each variant above to know the prerequisites and pre-configuration setups specific to it. Once you complete the setups, follow the steps mentioned below to configure it as a Source in your Hevo Pipeline and start ingesting data.

Hevo recommends logical replication as the default mode to ingest incremental data from your PostgreSQL Source database, especially for high transaction volumes. However, you can also select a different ingestion mode, such as Table or Custom SQL.

Select the Source Type

To select PostgreSQL as the Source:

  1. Click PIPELINES in the Navigation Bar.

  2. Click + CREATE in the Pipelines List View.

  3. In the Select Source Type page, select the PostgreSQL variant.

Specify PostgreSQL Connection Settings

In the Configure your PostgreSQL Source page, specify the connection settings for your PostgreSQL Source.

Read the documents in this section to know the detailed configuration steps for each PostgreSQL variant.

Pausing the Pipeline

For Pipelines created with Logical Replication ingestion mode, Hevo replicates the data using the log generated by the Source. Pausing a log-based Pipeline for more than 24 hours may lead to data loss, as a result of the log being deleted. The log can get deleted due to the expiry of its retention period or limited disk storage space in the case of large log files.

In case there is a loss of data after resuming a paused Pipeline, restart the historical load for all the objects to ingest the lost data. To do so, in the Pipeline Overview page:

  1. Select the Objects check box to select all the objects in the Pipeline. You can also select specific objects by selecting the check box next to their names.

    Restart historical load for the Pipeline

  2. Select the Restart option from the MORE drop-down to start the historical data ingestion.

The historical load starts immediately. The re-ingested data does not count towards your quota consumption and is not billed.

Deleting the Pipeline

For Pipelines with Logical Replication as the Pipeline mode, Hevo creates a replication slot in the Source to record any changes. If you delete the Pipeline, Hevo automatically drops this replication slot. However, sometimes, due to issues at the PostgreSQL Source end, the slot might not get dropped automatically. If that happens, use the following command to manually drop the slot:

SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('<slot_name>');

For example, to drop a slot named test_postgreSQL_slot, use the following query:

SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('test_postgreSQL_slot');

Source Considerations

  • When you delete a row in the Source table, its XMIN value is deleted as well. As a result, for Pipelines created with the XMIN ingestion mode, Hevo cannot track deletes in the Source object(s). To capture deletes, you need to restart the historical load for the respective object.

  • XMIN is a system-generated column in PostgreSQL, and it cannot be indexed. Hence, to identify the updated rows in Pipelines created with the XMIN ingestion mode, Hevo scans the entire table. This action may lead to slower data ingestion and increased processing overheads on your PostgreSQL database host. Due to this, Hevo recommends that you create the Pipeline in the Logical Replication mode.

Note: The XMIN limitations specified above are applicable only to Pipelines created using the XMIN ingestion mode, which is currently available for Early Access.

See Also

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Mar-05-2024 NA Updated links.
Jan-10-2024 NA - Added section, Source Considerations.
- Removed mentions of XMIN as a query mode.
Nov-03-2023 NA Removed section, Object Settings.
Jun-28-2023 2.14 Updated section, Object Settings to add information about the default query mode.
Feb-07-2023 2.07 Updated the page for clarity.
Apr-21-2022 1.86 - Updated sections, Specify PostgreSQL Connection Settings and Object Settings.
- Removed section, Select the Pipeline Mode.
Mar-07-2022 1.83 Updated the section, Select the Pipeline Mode with a note about the logical replication.
Jan-24-2022 1.80 Added information about the impact of pausing a Pipeline in the Source Considerations section.
Jan-03-2022 1.79 Updated the description of the Include New Tables in the Pipeline advance setting in the Specify PostgreSQL Connection Settings section.
Dec-06-2021 1.77 Added section, Source Considerations.
Jul-26-2021 1.68 Added a note for the Database Host field.
Jul-12-2021 1.67 Added the field Include New Tables in the Pipeline under Source configuration settings.

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