Release Version 2.33
On This Page
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This release note also includes the fixes provided in all the minor releases since 2.32.
To know the complete list of features available for early adoption before these are made generally available to all customers, read our Early Access page.
In this Release
New and Changed Features
Migration to v5.0 of the Apple Search Ads Campaign Management API (Added in Release 2.32.2)
Effective Release 2.32.2, Hevo has upgraded its Apple Search Ads integration to use v5.0 of the Campaign Management API to fetch your data. You are not required to take any action, as Pipelines created with Apple Search Ads have been migrated to the new API version.
As part of the upgrade, Hevo has added support for the following fields in the Keyword Report object.
Field Name Description suggested_bid_amount Specifies the monetary value in the given currency. suggested_bid_currency Indicates the organization’s default currency, as set in the Apple Search Ads UI. Note: If you need historical data for the newly supported fields in your existing Pipelines, you must restart the historical load for the Keyword Report object.
This change applies to all new and existing Pipelines.
Salesforce Bulk API V2 as a Source (Added in Release 2.32.2)
Salesforce Bulk API V2, an improved version of Salesforce, for handling large amounts of data, is now available as a Source in Hevo for all new and existing customers.
To use this integration, you must authorize Hevo to access the Salesforce Bulk API V2 account from where you want to ingest the data. If you have an existing Pipeline that uses Salesforce Bulk API V1, you can upgrade it to V2.
Read Salesforce Bulk API V2.
Support for Data Ingestion in Full Load for the SentEvent Object in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Added in Release 2.32.1)
Added support for ingesting data from the SentEvent in Full Load. This enhancement addresses issues encountered while polling incremental data for this object. Normally, Salesforce Marketing Cloud executes a query that processes each record to identify any incremental data. However, when the number of records in the SentEvent object is large, the query may time out, leading to ingestion failures for the object. With Full Load ingestion, all data from the object is replicated during each ingestion, preventing query timeouts.
If you observe data ingestion failures for the SentEvent object in your Pipelines, contact Hevo Support.
Support for Unbounce Events for HubSpot Source
Hevo now supports the data ingestion of Unbounce event type in the Email Events object for the HubSpot Legacy API (v1 and v2).
The Unbounce event type provides information about email recipients whose addresses were previously marked as bounced but have now been revalidated. This means these recipients are no longer considered undeliverable and can receive future emails from your HubSpot portal.
This enhancement applies to both new and existing Pipelines. For existing Pipelines, the Unbounce event type will be ingested automatically as per the Pipeline schedule. However, if you want to ingest data from this event type immediately, select RUN NOW for the Email Events object.
Support for V18 of the Google Ads API (Added in Release 2.32.2)
Enhanced the Google Ads integration to support Google Ads API Version 18 for both new and existing Pipelines. This upgrade ensures that all the newly added resources, including attributes and metrics, are added to your reports.
You are not required to take any action, as existing Pipelines are automatically upgraded to V18 during the next poll.
The new API version has removed the following attributes:
Objects Attributes AdGroupAd -
- - campaign.discovery_campaign_settings.upgraded_targeting Note: Hevo no longer supports ingesting data for the attributes metrics listed in the table above, so the corresponding Destination columns are also not updated.
The new API version includes the following new attributes:
Objects Attributes AdGroupAd -
- ad_group_ad.ad_group_ad_asset_automation_settingsAdGroup - ad_group.exclude_demographic_expansion
- ad_group.fixed_cpm_micros
- ad_group.target_cpv_microsCampaign - campaign.brand_guidelines_enabled
- campaign.demand_gen_campaign_settings.upgraded_targeting
- campaign.fixed_cpm.goal
- campaign.fixed_cpm.target_frequency_info.target_count
- campaign.fixed_cpm.target_frequency_info.time_unit
- campaign.keyword_match_type
- campaign.target_cpv
- campaign.video_campaign_settings.video_ad_inventory_control.allow_in_feed
- campaign.video_campaign_settings.video_ad_inventory_control.allow_in_stream
- campaign.video_campaign_settings.video_ad_inventory_control.allow_shortsThe new API version includes the following new metrics:
Objects Metrics Campaign - metrics.general_invalid_click_rate
- metrics.general_invalid_clicksCustomer - metrics.general_invalid_click_rate
- metrics.general_invalid_clicksGenderView - metrics.search_impression_share KeywordView - metrics.phone_calls
Updates to Field Support in the Shopify Customer Object (Added in Release 2.32.1)
Hevo has updated its field replication support for the Customer object in accordance with changes introduced in Shopify API version 2023-07. As part of this update, Shopify has deprecated specific fields and recommends a more comprehensive field. The following fields are no longer available in the Customer object:
Name Description accepts_marketing Indicates whether the customer had opted into marketing. accepts_marketing_updated_at Timestamp of the last update to the customer’s marketing preference. marketing_opt_in_level Represents the customer’s marketing opt-in level. Instead, the following field is now used:
Name Description email_marketing_consent Stores detailed consent information for email marketing in JSON format.
Fixes and Improvements
Handling Failed Events due to Connection Reset in SQL Server (Fixed in Release 2.32.2)
- Fixed an issue where Events that failed due to a connection reset while loading to the Destination had to be manually replayed. This issue occurred because the connection to the Destination was interrupted, causing Events to be lost if not replayed within seven days. With this fix, Hevo now automatically replays Events that fail due to a connection reset, ensuring successful data loading. This fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines.
Handling Data Ingestion Issues for Ad Groups and Campaign Objects in Pinterest Ads (Fixed in Release 2.32.1)
Fixed an issue where the reports for the Ad Groups and Campaign objects were not ingested. The data for these reports is retrieved using pagination, but Hevo stopped polling further if the first page of the API response was empty. As a result, data in the subsequent pages was omitted. With this fix, Hevo continues polling all subsequent pages even if the first page of the API response is empty, ensuring all data is retrieved. This fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines.
Note: For existing Pipelines, if you observe missing data for the Ad Groups and Campaign objects in your Destination, you must restart them.
Handling Historical Load Issue in NetSuite SuiteAnalytics (Fixed in Release 2.32.1)
- Fixed an issue in NetSuite SuiteAnalytics integration where the historical load was getting stuck. The system uses offset to track where to start fetching historical data. At the beginning of a historical load, the offset is set to null to indicate that all historical data should be retrieved. However, the system was missing a check for this null value, resulting in a NullPointerException when attempting to process it. This fix ensures that the system now properly handles the null offset, allowing historical loads to proceed without issues. This fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines.
Handling Missing TOASTed Data for PostgreSQL Source
Fixed an issue affecting all variants of PostgreSQL Source, where TOASTed records were lost during batch processing if Hevo’s internal data processing system encountered downtime or failure. The issue occurred when. Hevo attempted to retrieve data from PostgreSQL using a batch query but could not process it because the system was unavailable. Since there was no fallback mechanism, any unprocessed data was lost.
With this fix, if the internal system is down during such scenarios, the retrieved record will now be temporarily stored in Hevo’s temporary memory cache. When the system is back online, the data from the cache is processed, ensuring no data is lost. To enable this fix for your existing or new Pipelines, contact Hevo Support.
Handling Null Values in HSTORE Data for PostgreSQL Source (Fixed in Release 2.32.2)
- Fixed an issue affecting all variants of PostgreSQL Source in which HSTORE data was incorrectly displayed as NULL. This issue occurred because Hevo did not recognize the HSTORE data type when defined under specific schemas. In PostgreSQL, HSTORE is used to store key-value pairs and can exist in different schemas such as shared_extensions and public. Earlier, Hevo recognized only HSTORE data when the data type was defined as shared_extensions.hstore, causing a failure when it was defined as public.hstore. With this fix, Hevo now checks for the word hstore in the data type, regardless of how it is written, ensuring that HSTORE data from public.hstore is correctly identified.
Handling NULL values in Refund Object for Stripe Source
- Fixed an issue in Stripe where the balance_transaction and charge fields in the Refund object were showing NULL values due to missing data. This issue occurred because these fields, which store IDs referencing their respective objects, remained NULL as Hevo was not retrieving their values. With this fix, Hevo now correctly retrieves and populates these fields, ensuring no data is missed. This fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines. However, for existing Pipelines, if you observe missing data in your Destination, restart the historical load.
Documentation Updates
The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 2.33: