Release Version 2.24

Last updated on Oct 20, 2024

The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. As a result, some of your bookmarks may become obsolete. Therefore, we recommend accessing the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.

This release note also includes the fixes provided in all the minor releases since 2.23.

To know the complete list of features available for early adoption before these are made generally available to all customers, read our Early Access page.

To know the list of features and integrations we are working on next, read our Upcoming Features page!

In this Release

Early Access Features


  • Upgraded Klaviyo v2 as a Source

    • Integrated Klaviyo v2, an upgraded version of Klaviyo, as a Source in Hevo. It uses the latest Klaviyo API version v2024-02-15, which contains new and enhanced capabilities. Effective June 30, 2024, the older Klaviyo Source will be sunset. As a result, Pipeline creation using this Source will be disabled, and existing Pipelines will be paused. You need to create new Pipelines using Klaviyo v2 to ensure a smooth transition.

      Klaviyo v2

      Read Klaviyo v2.

      Refer to the Early Access page for the complete list of features available for early access.

New and Changed Features


  • Prioritized Data Loading to Data Warehouse Destination Tables (Added in Release 2.23.1)

    • Enhanced the functionality of the loading task to allow prioritization of data loading to your data warehouse Destination tables. Now, you can manually initiate data loading to a Destination table both within and outside of the defined load schedule, giving you more control over the process. This behavior is an improvement over the earlier one, which loaded data based on sequential hierarchy rather than urgency.

      On Demand Data Loading

      This change is currently implemented only in the Asia-Pacific regions (Asia, Australia, and India) for monitoring purposes. Based on the assessment of its impact, it will be gradually implemented in other regions.

      Read Manually Triggering the Loading of Events.


  • Updated Retention Period for Pipelines (Added in Release 2.23.2)

    • Modified Pipeline retention period from 30 days to 7 days. As a result, failed Events will now be stored only for 7 days.

      This change is applicable to new and existing Pipelines.

      Read Customer Data Retention and Encryption.


  • Service Account-based Connection for Google Cloud Storage Source (Added in Release 2.23.4)

User Assistance

  • Connecting through a Virtual Private Network (Added in Release 2.23.3)

    • Enhanced the product documentation to include information about connecting through a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Further, new content has been created to help you set up your VPN, whether a physical device or a virtual VPN, and allow Hevo to seamlessly connect to your Source and or Destination database that is hosted on-premise, in a non-AWS cloud or in a hybrid setup.

      Read Connection Options and Connecting Through VPN.

    • Enhanced the product documentation to include information about connecting to your MongoDB Atlas cluster via a private endpoint that uses the AWS PrivateLink service. Further, new content has been added to guide you through the setup required for creating the private endpoint, thus allowing Hevo to connect seamlessly to your MongoDB Atlas cluster.

      Read Connection Options and Connecting Through Mongo PrivateLink.

User Experience

  • Configurable Ingestion Schedule for Amazon DynamoDB Source (Added in Release 2.23.4)

    • Provided an option to specify the ingestion frequency while configuring Amazon DynamoDB as a Source in a Pipeline. Also, you can now change the data ingestion schedule even after the Pipeline has been created. This feature is available for new and existing Pipelines in teams created after Release 2.21.

      Pipeline Ingestion Schedule

Fixes and Improvements

Refer to this section for the list of fixes and improvements implemented from Release 2.23.1 to 2.24.


  • Enhanced Polling Reliability in NetSuite SuiteAnalytics

    • Increased the number of retries for failed polls in the NetSuite SuiteAnalytics Source, thereby reducing ingestion failures caused by incomplete polling. As a result, data ingestion from NetSuite SuiteAnalytics will be more reliable and consistent, providing you with more accurate and up-to-date data.
  • Handling Data Mismatch Issues for Actions Object in Trello

    • Fixed the following issues in the Trello integration that caused a data mismatch between the Source and Destination for the Actions object:

      • The query ingesting historical data was unable to fetch more than one page of data records. This issue occurred because the query did not include the before parameter, which contains the ID of the last record on the data page.

      • The query used to fetch incremental data from the Comment action type was unable to identify the new and updated records. This issue occurred because the Comment action type does not contain any field from which the last updated time can be identified.

      To fix these issues, Hevo now ingests data from the Actions object in the Full Load mode, ensuring both historical and incremental data for all action types is ingested.

      Read Data Model.

  • Resolved Historical Load Failures for Google Search Console Source (Fixed in Release 2.23.1)

    • Fixed an issue in the search analytics query that fetches the historical data for search appearance objects in the Google Search Console integration. This issue occurred because the query used the page experience parameter, which Google no longer supports in the Search APIs, to fetch search traffic data. Now, the query has been updated to not use this parameter while fetching the historical data for search appearance objects.

      This fix applies to new and existing Pipelines.

  • Resolved Null Field Display Issue in MongoDB Pipeline Configuration

    • Fixed an issue in the user interface where editing the MongoDB Pipeline configuration screen displayed null values for certain fields. Now, the values are displayed properly.


  • Handling Reset Issue for SQL Models

    • Fixed an issue in SQL Models whereby the reset Model operation timed out if the API running the query on the Destination table for re-creating the Model took longer than a minute to complete. Post the fix, if the API exceeds the time limit, the reset operation is marked as failed. You can then either update the Model or try resetting it again later. However, if the issue persists, you can contact Hevo Support to increase the time allotted to the API.

      This fix applies to new and existing Models created for any Destination type.

      Read Model Reset.

Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 2.24:

Data Loading


Getting Started



Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Jun-18-2024 NA Updated the Fixes and Improvements section to add Handling Data Mismatch Issues for Actions Object in Trello.

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