Activation Run Statuses

Last updated on May 30, 2023

Hevo uses different statuses to inform you about the progress or failure of the Activation run over the three stages of Ingestion, Transformation, and Loading. The Activation run statuses are classified into three categories: In Progress, Completion, and/or Failure.

In Progress Statuses

An Activation run typically assumes the following statuses:

  • QUEUED: The Activation has just been created and is scheduled to start.

  • INGESTION RUNNING: The Activation SQL query is performed, and the records to be synchronized are fetched.

  • TRANSFORMATION RUNNING: The records are being transformed to the Target object schema according to the defined field mapping.

  • LOADING: The transformed records are synchronized with the Target object.

Completion Statuses

An Activation may complete or move to the next stage with one of the following statuses:

  • TRANSFORMATION COMPLETED: The records to be synchronized have been transformed as per the Target object schema.

  • COMPLETED: The records have been synchronized with the Target object and loading has been completed. The Activation run is successful.

  • SHELVED: The Activation run has been shelved or skipped as the SQL query did not return any new records to be synchronized with the Target object.

  • DEFERRED: The Activation run has been deferred for some time due to a constraint enforced by the Target. This usually happens when your API limits are exceeded while calling an API provided by the Target.

  • CANCELLED: The Activation run is terminated or canceled by Hevo Support.

Failure Statuses

The following statuses define the reason why an Activation run may have failed:

  • INGESTION FAILED: There was an error in the Ingestion stage that caused the Activation run to terminate. The next run starts as per the Activation schedule.

  • TRANSFORMATION FAILED: There was an error in the Transformation stage that caused the Activation run to terminate. The next run starts as per the Activation schedule.

  • TRIGGER LOAD FAILED: There was an error as the Transformation stage failed to trigger the Loading stage.

  • TARGET FAILED: There was an error as Hevo was unable to connect to the Target after several tries.

  • LOADING FAILED: There was an error while loading the transformed records to the Target or the staging location.

An Activation run is stopped as soon as a failure is encountered, and the associated Activation is also marked as FAILED. The next run, however, starts as per the Activation schedule unless the previous run was marked as DEFERRED.

Revision History

Refer to the following table for the list of key updates made to this page:

Date Release Description of Change
Jun-09-2022 NA Added the status, Ingestion Running to the In Progress Statuses section and the status, Ingestion Failed to the Failure Statuses section.
Feb-21-2022 NA - Updated the page to classify the Activation Run Statuses into three categories: In Progress, Completion, and Failure.
- Moved section, Viewing Activation Run Details to a new page under Working with Activate.
Feb-07-2022 NA Updated section, Viewing Failed Records as per the latest UI.
Dec-20-2021 1.78 New document.

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