Release Version 2.27

Last updated on Oct 20, 2024

The content on this site may have changed or moved since you last viewed it. As a result, some of your bookmarks may become obsolete. Therefore, we recommend accessing the latest content via the Hevo Docs website.

This release note also includes the fixes provided in all the minor releases since 2.26.

To know the complete list of features available for early adoption before these are made generally available to all customers, read our Early Access page.

To know the list of features and integrations we are working on next, read our Upcoming Features page!

In this Release

Early Access Features


  • Amazon Redshift Serverless as a Destination

    • Integrated Amazon Redshift Serverless as a cloud-based data warehouse Destination for creating Pipelines. Redshift Serverless automatically scales resources based on your needs, simplifying data analysis and management, while its pay-as-you-go pricing offers a cost-effective solution for handling unpredictable workloads. You can contact your Hevo account executive or the Support team to enable Amazon Redshift Serverless for your team.

      Read Amazon Redshift Serverless.

      Request Early Access

      Refer to the Early Access page for the complete list of features available for early access.

New and Changed Features


  • Support for V16 of the Google Ads API (Added in Release 2.26.3)

    • Enhanced the Google Ads integration to support Google Ads API Version 16 for both new and existing Pipelines. This upgrade includes support for new fields in the existing reports.

      We recommend that you upgrade your existing Pipelines to Google Ads API V16 before September 23, 2024, failing which the Pipelines will be paused. Please check for an email from Hevo if you have Pipelines with this Source.

      Read Migrating Pipelines to Google Ads API V16.

  • Supporting the new Certificate Authority (CA) Certificates for SSL-enabled Amazon DocumentDB Pipelines (Added in Release 2.26.2)

    • Enhanced the Source integration to support the new CA certificates, rds-ca-rsa2048-g1, rds-ca-rsa4096-g1, or rds-ca-ecc384-g1. Starting August 2024, Amazon will update the CA certificates for their DocumentDB clusters. With this change, you can connect seamlessly to a DocumentDB instance using any of the new CA certificates. If you need Hevo to connect to an existing DocumentDB instance that uses the older rds-ca-2019 certificate, you must update the instance’s certificate to any of the new ones. Read Updating the Server Certificate of your DocumentDB Instance for the steps.

User Experience

  • Enabled Daily Usage Reports for AWS Teams (Added in Release 2.26.3)

    • Daily Usage Report notifications are now available for teams subscribed to Hevo through the AWS Marketplace. With this update, users will receive daily e-mail notifications informing them about their account activity during the last 24 hours. Previously, these notifications were disabled for AWS teams.
  • Improved User Interface for Component List View

    • Updated Hevo’s user interface for clarity and an improved experience. Earlier, the assets created in each component were first displayed in a drawer before being listed on the overview page. Now, the overview pages and created assets are displayed directly, providing immediate access to the required information. Additionally, the individual filters for Status and components, such as Destinations, Warehouses, and Targets, have been consolidated and are now displayed in the FILTERS drop-down, simplifying navigation and enhancing the search experience.

      Components List View

      The change affects the list view for all components, including Pipelines, Destinations, Models, Workflows, Activations, and Targets, ensuring a consistent user experience across the Hevo platform.

  • Removed Support for User Account-Based Authentication in Google Drive and Google Sheets Sources (Added in Release 2.26.3)

    • Hevo has discontinued support for user account-based authentication for Google Drive and Google Sheets Sources. You can no longer create new Pipelines or reauthorize existing ones using this method. To allow Hevo to continue replicating data from your Google Drive and Google Sheets Sources, you must migrate your existing user account-based Pipelines to a service account.

      Read Migrating User Account-Based Pipelines to Service Account.

Fixes and Improvements


  • Handling Automatic Tab Switch Issue for Activations (Fixed in Release 2.26.3)

    • Fixed an issue in the Activate user interface (UI) where the sub-tab displayed in the Activations Detailed View would automatically switch to the QUERY sub-tab. This issue occurred whenever the Activation SQL query fetched new and or updated records to be synchronized with the Target. After the fix, the sub-tab selected by the user is retained.


  • Handling Data Type Promotion Issue for Boolean Fields in Destination Schema (Fixed in Release 2.26.3)

    • Fixed an issue where Hevo did not automatically modify a boolean field to a compatible data type in the Destination schema. This issue occurred when the data type of a boolean field was changed to string (varchar) or integer in the Source table, and the Source data contained boolean incompatible values.

      Now, when the Source field data type is modified from boolean to string or integer and if the Source data contains boolean incompatible values, Hevo does the following:

      • Promotes the Destination field’s data type in BigQuery, PostgreSQL (all variants), and Snowflake Destinations.

      • Sidelines the Events for all other Destinations.

      Previously, Hevo continued loading data to a boolean data type in the Destination table, resulting in information loss from the Source data to the Destination.

      The fix applies to all new and existing Pipelines. It will be deployed to teams across all regions in a phased manner and does not require any action from you.

  • Handling of Incompatible Decimal Column Size at the Destination (Fixed in Release 2.26.1)

    • Fixed an issue where Hevo repeatedly attempted to resize a decimal column at the Destination to replicate the Source data, even when it exceeded the maximum size supported by the Destination. As a result, there were many queries running on the Destination tables, increasing credit consumption. With this fix, Hevo will no longer resize the decimal column at the Destination when it is incompatible with the Source and instead sideline the Events.
  • Log Error in SSH Connections for SQL Server Destinations

    • Fixed an issue in SQL Server Destinations connected via an SSH tunnel, where frequent log errors were displayed during scheduled runs in Pipelines configured with this Destination type. This issue occurred because the commands sent by Hevo to establish a connection for verifying the SSH tunnel were not recognized by the database. After the fix, Hevo establishes a connection with valid commands using the TDS protocol to verify the tunnel.

      To enable the fix for your team, you can contact Hevo Support.

  • Resolving Data Loading Issue for BigQuery Destinations (Fixed in Release 2.26.3)

    • Fixed an issue where Hevo did not automatically replay Events that were marked as failed with the CODE_DEST_FIELD_NOT_FOUND (302) error. This issue occurred when the Events contained nested fields, and Hevo referenced the missing Destination fields with their incorrect names during replay.

      The fix applies to all Pipelines created with BigQuery as a Destination. To enable this fix for your existing Pipeline, you need to contact Hevo Support.


  • Handling of Profiles Object in Klaviyo v2 (Fixed in Release 2.26.2)

    • Fixed an issue in Klaviyo v2 whereby the API call to poll the Profiles object returned empty data when all profiles on a page were deleted. This occurred because the cursor used to track the last polled data was not updated to the next page, and only the timestamp was moved ahead. With this fix, the cursor will be updated correctly, allowing the system to read the remaining pages of profiles.

Documentation Updates

The following pages have been created, enhanced, or removed in Release 2.27:


Audit Tables


Getting Started




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